About Clearing the Skin Over the years, the skin can develop a wide variety of tiny growths, spots and blemishes. Most of these are completely painless and physically harmless, however they can affect your overall aesthetic appearance and be unpleasant to look at. Fortunately, most of these blemishes can be treated and completely removed. At BAIW, we use a non-invasive and highly effective treatment.
BAIW's Irena Fomenko uses special high-frequency technology to treat a wide range of minor skin irregularities, including:
Sunspots, cherry angiomas, and other pigmentation irregularities
Acne cysts, pimples, blackheads and chronically clogged pores
Most irregularities require only one treatment session, although persistent spots may require additional treatments. The procedure is done by using a high frequency current which dehydrates the tissue of the blemish. Immediately after the procedure the skin could look irritated, swollen, with some scabbing. After several days the skin irregularities fall off and the skin grows in a new layer of fresh, unblemished skin. Care should be taken to protect your skin from the sun with SPF please.